Mission planner works internally as follows:
- main() calls listener().
- listener() creates a new node called mission_planner. The node subscribes to a topic called /zsys and calls the callback().
- The callback() calls main() where an object called sm of StateMachine is created with 3 outcomes - [‘mission_complete’, ‘mission_failed’, ‘aborted’]
- sm performs 3 tasks - sink to a certain depth, align to a certain heading, move forward for some seconds.
Sink (sm, 'SINK1', 515, 'HEADING1')
Heading(sm, 'HEADING1', 75,'FORWARD1')
Forward(sm, 'FORWARD1', 6, 'FORWARD2')
Forward(sm, 'FORWARD2', 12, 'mission_complete')
- &
Sink (<state machine object>, <name of state>, <pressure>, <next state>)
- In the Sink class’s constructor is called which sets the initial pressure.
- A substate called sm_sub is created with outcomes as [‘depth_success’, ‘aborted’].
- sm_sub creates an object called depthTask of the class Depth.
depthTask = Depth(INITIAL_PRESSURE, 'depth_success')
The’s constructor sets the values of pressure and task variables.
calls the addDepthAction(self, sm) method of class Depth where a new SimpleActionState DEPTH is added to sm and depthCallback() is called, transitions being ‘succeeded’:self.TASK, ‘preempted’:’DEPTH’, ‘aborted’:’aborted’. - In depthCallback(), the depth_setpoint is set to PRESSURE’s value.’
- From, execute() is called which creates a SimpleActionClient and sends the PRESSURE as the goal and returns ‘DepthReached’/’aborted’.
Heading (<state machine object>, <name of state>, <heading>, <next state>)
- In the Heading class’s constructor is called which sets the initial heading.
- A new SimpleActionState heading1 is added to sm and headingCallback() is called..
- In headingCallback(), the heading_setpoint is set to HEADING’s value.’
- From, execute() is called which creates a SimpleActionClient and sends the HEADING as the goal and returns ‘HeadingReached’/’aborted’.
Forward (<state machine object>, <name of state>, <time>, <next state>)
- Creates a SimpleActionState called surgeServer, calls goalCallback() to move the Underwater Vehicle forward for the time sent from